Ready, Set, SLOW DOWN (GO)

Lets question each of these three status:

1. What if READY has nothing to do with your feelings?

We hear too many leaders say …

I'm not READY to have that feedback conversation

I’m not READY for the board meeting 

I’m not READY yet to take on that new role

In our experience at the Alchemy Group READY is not a feeling. READY is a declaration - an actual CHOICE.

How could a choice that you are READY change your results as a leader?

I am READY and I may not know all the answers

I am READY to have the conversation and it may be clumsy

I am READY and I will do it afraid

2. What if SET is all in your head?

There are two locations to consider - SET and SETTING. 


 Where you work.

 Where you live.

 The airline you fly.

SET is YOU - your HEAD-SET.

 Where you CHOOSE how you relate to your new CEO.

 Where you CHOOSE to connect or not with who you live with every day.

 Where you CHOOSE how to respond to "Flight Canceled"

How could a headset shift change your results as a leader?

3. What if “GO” really is an opportunity to SLOW DOWN?

Slowing down has nothing to do with going slow. It is all about choosing


  1. your listening

  2. your choices

  3.  your questions

How could slowing down, to gear-up change your results as a leader?



GO! ..

to The Alchemy Leadership Experience.

The November 2023 Leadership Experience SOLD OUT in just 30 days. Registration for the February 2024 Leadership Experience is now LIVE. This is an elite opportunity for leaders to sit at a table with other leaders around the world and accurately question Ready - Set - Slow Down (GO) for themselves. Do not wait on this - the February 2024 session will sell out quickly.

Here is a link that provides much more context about The Leadership Experience, and a thorough explanation of what will occur. The Alchemy Leadership Experience

The best is yet to come,


Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads…


For the first time in forever ….