From Compliance to COMMITMENT

From Human Doings to HUMAN BEINGS

From Expectations to AGREEMENTS

From Fear to COURAGE

From Blame to TRUST

What if it were possible to transform your world?

Elevating productivity, performance, trust and collective courage
within a team.

  • Taking on a practice of creating agreements, as opposed to expectations, to upgrade team’s accountability, productivity, leadership and performance.

    1 day, 12-22 participants, in-person session

  • A personal look at the payoffs and costs of each strategy, and how these choices contribute to the rise and fall of a team

    ½ day, 12 – 22 participants, in-person session

  • Bringing to the surface limitations from the past and opportunities for the future, to ultimately accelerate results and working relationships

    1 day, 12-22 participants, in-person session

Your Alchemy Group

An intentionally curated group of coaches, who are relentlessly committed to their own growth through coaching and on-the-court leadership practice, so they can show up and most powerfully serve you.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

– Marianne Williamson