The Alchemy Group began with two women on a pursuit for sustainable inspiration and JOY in their personal and professional lives.

That pursuit led them to several key coaches, who are still in their lives to this day, that served as their sherpas on the quest to pioneer a brand-new opportunity for themselves and other leaders around the world. Now a team of 10 coaches, the Alchemy Group invites you to pioneer your own journey; to take the ordinary and activate extraordinary results as a leader.

Note from the Founders

In 2018, we said “YES” … yes to getting a 1:1 coach, yes to each other, yes to completing our careers at GE, and yes to creating The Alchemy Group.

That powerful and courageous YES transformed our lives forever – and we became wildly clear that we wanted to empower others to do the same. 

As the two founding partners of Alchemy, our journey has not been easy, it has not been graceful, and at times it’s felt terrifying. And yet every single bump, obstacle and setback has happened for us, to serve us in our growth. Today, all that we’ve navigated and continue to navigate we infuse into every single leader that we serve. The value of our coaching comes from years of being coached. The value of our facilitation comes from years of practice. The value of our collective courage comes from years of doing it afraid. 

Our commitment to you is that we remain on the leadership court, sweating it out and practicing leadership

– now, will you CHOOSE to join us? 

Courage always, 

Our Partner Clients